
Parasite Questionnaire

Parasite Questionnaire

There are many causes for each symptom listed below. One of the most common causes is the presence of parasites. Please click the appropriate number next to each question.
  • 1.Chronic fatigue for no apparent reason
    2.Swollen or achy joints
    3.Increased appetite,hungry after meals
    4.Eat out at restaurants
    5.Nervous or irritable
    6.Restless sleep/teeth grinding while asleep
    7.Night sweats
    8.Blurry, unclear vision
    9.Fevers of unknown origin
    10.Frequent colds, flu, sore throats
    11.Recurrent feelings of unwellness
    13.Diarrhea alternating with constipation
    14.Thinning or loss of hair
    15.Allergies, food sensitivities
    16.Irritable bowel, irregular bowel
    17.Rectal, anal itching
    18.Bloating or gas
    19.Abdominal or liver pain/cramps
    20.Mucus in nose that is moist or encrusted
    21.Dark circles under the eyes
    22.Bowel urgency
    23.Skin problems, rashes, hives, itchy skin
    24.Vertical wrinkles around mouth
    25.Kiss pets, allow pets to lick your face
    26.Go barefoot outside the home
    27.Travel in 3rd world countries
    28.Eat lightly cooked pork/ salmon products
    29.Eat sushi, sashimi
    30.Swim in creeks, rivers, lakes
    31.History of parasitic infection
    32.Loose stools or diarrhea
    33.Pale, anemic or yellowish skin
    34.Foul-smelling stools
    35.Low back or kidney pain
    36.Indigestion, malabsorption